Aggressive Representation

We present alternatives when a prolonged legal battle is not worth the projected outcome.

Defective Products

Over the years, products have become safer, but there are still many defective products on the market. History has shown that oftentimes products could have been made safer by improved product design or an inexpensive addition to the product. Research and investigation are a priority in product liability cases. Minnesota courts have upheld that a manufacturer may be held liable under product liability theory if there is evidence that product was in a defective condition unreasonably dangerous for use, that defective condition existed when the product left manufacturer’s hands and that defect was proximate cause of injury.

Taking on a manufacturer, supplier or retail store can be intimidating without representation and on your own. To make sure all requirements are met and all the proper steps are taken a deep understanding of the law is a must and an experienced attorney is an important component in these cases.

Have a question about an injury from a defective product?



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